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With increased information overload, daily stresses, and tight deadlines, employees may experience strain, leading to lower productivity. However, the good news is that enhancing the working environment doesn’t have to be expensive, time-consuming, or require a degree in Feng Shui.

Beyond just location, the layout of furniture and equipment, the flow of employee space, and the overall atmosphere of your office can all play a role in boosting productivity. A workspace that fosters focus, collaboration, and creativity can help your employees work more efficiently and effectively – ultimately making for a better business. This article suggests various tips and tricks to make your office space more productive, covering a range of techniques that will help you work smarter, not harder.

Choose the right office furniture

Getting it right when it comes to office furniture requires a little planning. Ergonomic furniture, comfortable seating, and high-quality materials are all essential components of a productive workspace. Shoddy furniture can cause discomfort and even injury, resulting in decreased productivity and absenteeism.

As such, when selecting office furniture, prioritise ergonomics and comfort. This means choosing chairs that provide proper lumbar support, desks that can be adjusted to a comfortable height, and equipment that is easy to reach and use. Additionally, consider the space available and how the furniture will be arranged to optimise the area.

Enhanced productivity and efficiency

The right office furniture can boost productivity and efficiency in all sorts of wonderful ways. For example, a comfortable chair can reduce the risk of back pain and help employees stay focused on their work. Add that to a well-designed desk that can make organising and accessing important documents and equipment easier, reducing time to complete tasks.

In addition to choosing ergonomic furniture, consider investing in technology that can help streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks. This can include software for project management, collaboration, and time tracking.

Get the right lighting

Lighting plays an equally important role in beautifying and making the workspace appear more friendly and welcoming. The amount of light we’re exposed to can make or break our day. Natural lighting is the best option, as it has been shown to boost mood, reduce eye strain, and improve sleep quality.

However, not all office spaces have access to natural light, and in such cases, you need to choose the right artificial lighting that mimics natural light as closely as possible. LED lights are a great option, as they can provide a bright, white light that mimics daylight. Additionally, consider adding task lighting to individual workstations to reduce eye strain and improve focus.

Keep the temperature comfortable

The temperature of office space also plays a significant role in productivity. Studies have shown that the ideal temperature range is between 68°F and 72°F (20°C to 22°C), but everyone has their own preference. A temperature that is too hot or too cold can lead to discomfort and decreased focus.

The solution? Consider investing in a programmable thermostat that can be set to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the day. Additionally, provide space heaters and fans for individual workstations to allow employees to adjust the temperature to their liking.

Add some greenery

Adding some greenery to a workspace can help reduce stress and increase productivity. Plants can improve air quality, reduce noise levels, and create a more relaxing atmosphere. Additionally, research has shown that simply looking at plants can reduce stress and improve focus.

Consider adding plants to individual workstations or incorporating a living wall into the office design. Potted plants near your office and desk can be a huge boon. They help purify the air, creating a healthier environment for you and your colleagues, and they also contribute to a sense of inspiration and calmness in the workplace. Research has shown that exposure to nature can promote motivation and positivity, and reduce stress levels, making potted plants a valuable addition to any office space.

Keep the noise level in check

Excessive noise levels can be a significant distraction in the workplace, reducing productivity and increasing stress levels. Consider adding sound-absorbing materials such as carpets, curtains, or acoustic panels to reduce noise levels. Additionally, consider providing noise-cancelling headphones for employees who need to focus on tasks that require intense concentration.

Practice good posture

Finally, encourage employees to practice good posture throughout the workday. Poor posture can lead to back pain, neck pain, and other health issues impacting productivity and well-being. Provide ergonomic chairs and desks that encourage proper posture, and consider offering training or resources on maintaining good posture throughout the day.


How can I make my office space more comfortable without spending a lot of money?

To make your office space more comfortable on a budget consider adding plants for a touch of nature, rearranging furniture for better flow, using proper lighting, incorporating ergonomic accessories, and organising and decluttering the space.

How often should I take breaks while working?

Taking a break every 50-60 minutes can help you rest your eyes, stretch your legs, and give your brain a break. These breaks can be short, just a few minutes long, but they can effectively reduce fatigue and increase productivity

How can I reduce stress while working?

Practising mindfulness, taking regular breaks, staying hydrated, and exercising are all effective ways to reduce stress while working. Getting organised and making a to-do list can also help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

How important is lighting for a comfortable office space?

Lighting is essential for comfortable office space, as poor lighting can cause eyestrain, headaches, and fatigue, while good lighting can improve productivity and overall well-being. Using a combination of natural and artificial light is recommended to create a well-lit workspace that is comfortable and conducive to work.

How can I maintain good posture while working?

Sitting up straight, adjusting your chair, and correctly positioning your monitor are all important for maintaining good posture while working. Taking breaks, stretching, and using a supportive chair can also help reduce the risk of back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders.

Modern office space in Chineham Park

Chineham Park is a 815,000 sq ft mixed-use business park located in Basingstoke with a wide range of offerings comprising units from 160 sq ft to 93,000 sq ft. To learn more, get in touch with us today.

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